Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove (Full Documentary)

Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove by Alex Jones unveils the mysterious and secretive gatherings of the world’s most powerful men. Since 1873, the Bohemian Club has held annual meetings in the ancient redwood forest of Northern California, at a location known as Bohemian Grove. These secretive gatherings bring together members of the global elite, including former U.S. Presidents such as Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan. The Bush family also maintains a strong involvement in this exclusive club. Each year, this all-male group performs occult rituals that have remained hidden from the public for over a century.

One of the most disturbing aspects of these meetings is the ritualistic worship of a giant stone owl, referred to as the “Great Owl of Bohemia.” During this ceremony, the members wear red, black, and silver robes and conduct an elaborate occult ritual called the “Cremation of Care.” This ritual involves the symbolic sacrifice of a human effigy, allowing the members to shed their worldly concerns and engage in secret discussions that may shape global events.

For over a century, the details of what happens inside Bohemian Grove were kept secret. However, for the first time in history, an outsider infiltrated this exclusive gathering, capturing the ritual on hidden video. This footage offers a rare and chilling glimpse into the strange ceremonies performed by the world’s elite and raises questions about the influence they hold over politics and business.

“Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove” exposes the hidden world of the Bohemian Club and their occult practices, revealing the shocking activities of one of the most secretive and powerful groups on the planet.